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Control Notifications, Activities on Google Buzz

The Google team has been adding new features to its Buzz service since it was launched recently. However, if too many Buzz conversation notifications create a 'noise' and clutter in your Inbox, here's a chance to take control of it. Google has released a new update that will bring more comment control options and an easily visible Mute Button for Buzz in Gmail.

These new settings can be found under the Buzz tab of Gmail Settings panel.

Buzz, by default, offers three options for the users:

- Comments on user's posts
- Comments on posts after user commented on them
- Comments on posts after user is @replied on them

Buzz users, by default, get notifications on all comment activities happening in their Buzz stream. But with the new settings, users can get to choose which notifications are required and wish to receive and block the others. For this, users have to uncheck the setting they wish to stop. For instance, you can stop notifications about "Comments on posts after you are @replied on them" by unchecking this option.

If you've been receiving several notifications on some heavily discussed post, you can now click on the "Mute from Inbox" link right on the top of the notification mails. This will stop bringing up that conversation in your Gmail Inbox.

Google did launch Buzz with a bang but slowly, the excitement of using Buzz is fizzling out. However, the Google team is busy tweaking different options that will enable Gmail users to make the best of Buzz.


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