It’s so sweet. Shah Rukh Khan had parted ways with Shankar the director on a not-very-nice note. The title of Shankar’s film, to make things worse, was registered with SRK’s company, Red Chillies, which was then meant to produce Robot, the latest Rajnikant-Ash starrer.
However when Shankar requested Khan to release the title of the flick to avoid any legal glitches, the superstar had no second thoughts. All bad vibes were dissipated with this kind gesture.
It can be recalled that Shah Rukh Khan and Shankar got together to make Robot, a project which was extremely close to both their hearts. Both of them worked on the script for months before they began squabbling over creative differences.
SRK refused to do the film and announced to the world that he was no longer associated with Robot.
This was two years ago, just prior to the release of Om Shanti Om. Shankar went ahead and made the film with Rajnikant and Aishwarya Rai. SRK though always wanted to do a superhero film; so he is now making Ra.One.
Both the films have similarities. However when Shankar decided that he wants the title Robot for its Hindi version, he wrote a letter to SRK requesting him to part with the title. When contacted Shankar said, “It is very nice of Shah Rukh to give us the title. It was registered with him company Red Chillies.”
SRK lends his ‘robot’ to Ash, Rajni!
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