Lemon Mobile has announced the launch of its latest touchscreen handset in the country. Called the iT 717, the phone comes with a 3-inch TFT touchscreen and as expected, is a dual SIM phone (GSM+GSM) device.
The iT 717 comes with 20MB of internal memory expandable up to 8GB using mcroSD cards. The phone is quite multimedia friendly complete with a decent MP3 player, video player that supports various formats and an FM radio as well. On the imaging front, there is a 3.2 megapixel camera at the rear which supports video recording as well. It also has a 3.5mm jack. The phone has support for 2000 phonebook contacts and can store over 500 SMS. Connectivity options include Bluetooth, USB and options for being a GPRS modem. There is no support for EDGE but only plain vanilla GPRS.
With a 1100 mAh battery, the phone can provide upto 5 hours of talktime. The phone comes with Opera Mini and Nimbuzz Instant messenger in the phone.
The iT 717 will set you back by Rs. 4,499.
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