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US Senate bars anti outsourcing bill

Washington, Sep 29: Indian IT industries can can breathe a sigh of relief as United States' Republican Senates on Sep 28 blocked the anti outsourcing
bill, which would have restricted jobs within the boundary of the country.

As per the bill, there will be a ban on government contractors from using American taxpayers' money to move jobs offshore.

Minimum 60 votes were needed to overcome the opposition's obstruction but Republicans in a 53-45 vote prevented the bill from overcoming a filibuster.

US Democrat legislator said, "The bill we tried to pass today (Sep 28) is based on simple common sense to keep American jobs here in America."

His statement also added, "but Republicans continued their job-killing agenda today by protecting these tax breaks for CEOs who offshore American jobs."

Terming the bill as an election trick, Republican senator slammed the Democrats for their "height of irresponsibility" that would put the US economy at "greater risk."


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