The Karnataka High Court today rejected the anticipatory bail plea by godman Nityananda, who is facing allegations of involvement in sleazy activities. Justice Arali Nagaraj also rejected Nityananda's petition for quashing the cases filed against him by Bidadi Police.
Following a petition by Swami seeking to quash the cases, justice Arali Nagaraj issued notice to Bidadi police to produce all documents and records concerning various criminal cases, including rape, registered against the 'godman'. Nityananda had also sought a stay on all other proceedings against him. The Judge adjourned hearing of the case till March 25.
The Judge also asked the police to produce Nityananda's car driver Kurup Lenin in the court and a full report on the case on March 26. Nityananda, who was allegedly at large ever since the video clippings of his alleged sleazy activities with an actress were telecast by private channels on March 2, in his petition yesterday said he was innocent and the cases were filed to tarnish his image.
Nityananda alias Rajasekharan (32), charged that one of his former disciples and driver Kurup Lenin had conspired to defame him and his Ashram by levelling such allegations.
According to the police, the whereabouts of the self-styled swami, who was recently in the Kumbh Mela in Haridwar "are not known". However, the followers of Nityananda at his Ashram at Bidadi on the city's outskirts claim that ''he is in Haridwar attending the Kumbh Mela.''
The cases, registered by Tamil Nadu police for various offences, including rape, against Nityananda, were re-registered by the Bidadi Police here, under whose jurisdiction the Ashram falls.
They were transferred to the state Criminal Investigation Department police yesterday "because of the complex nature and inter-state ramifications", Ramanagaram district SP SB Bisnalli said.
HC rejects bail plea by Nityananda Swamy
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