Tata Indicom has launched its new prepaid services for Blackberry users on its network. In what is claimed to be an industry first, BlackBerry users on the Tata Indicom network now have the option to switch to a cheaper prepaid plan and to customize their plan according to their needs - that too on a weekly basis. The two service plans are the BlackBerry Messaging Bundle and BlackBerry Internet Bundle - both of which can be chosen according to the customer's requirement for e-mail, instant messaging, social networking and Internet browsing. As of now, they are available at a monthly package of Rs. 299, Rs. 900 and weekly package of Rs. 85 and Rs. 250.
According to Tata, with this new launch it can claim for bringing in two firsts in the country. The first amongst this being the fact that Tata Indicom is now offering Prepaid BlackBerry services to customers. The second one is that users are given the option to choose between a monthly plan or a weekly plan, an industry first.
Under BlackBerry Messaging Bundle service plan, customers get unlimited access to e-mail and instant messaging. It allows customers to access as many as 10 e-mail accounts on Hotmail, Yahoo Mail, Google Mail and chat on popular messengers like Windows Live Messenger, Google Talk and Yahoo Messenger. As an additional benefit, BlackBerry handheld shows multiple mailboxes in a single screen and also it supports various formats like Microsoft Word (.doc), Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt), Microsoft Excel (.xls) ,Adobe pdf (.pdf), Corel WordPerfect (.wpd), ASCII text (.txt), ZIP Archive ( .zip), Images (.jpg, .bmp, .png, .gif and .tiff).
With BlackBerry Internet Bundle, customers get unlimited access to web browsing on the handheld in addition to unlimited usage on instant messaging and access to as many as 10 POP3 email accounts with unlimited email access. That's not all - both the plans are applicable on all BlackBerry smartphones from Tata Indicom.
Also Read: Change your Prepaid Mobile Plan Daily with Tata
Blackberry Handsets currently available for Tata Indicom users are:
BlackBerry 8703e available for Rs. 9,990
BlackBerry Curve 8330 priced at Rs. 15,990
BlackBerry 8830 World Edition, available for Rs. 17,000
BlackBerry Tour 9630, priced at Rs. 27,990
BlackBerry Goes Prepaid on Tata Indicom
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